Contact us if you have a new item or event you would like to post on our web site.

Are you lost, and a caregiver and need help finding resources for a senior?
Don’t know who to call?
For help call: Michele Dillon at 1-800-798-1366


Make A Donation Today

There is Hope

This website was created to provide helpful information and resources available for Parkinson disease. We hope to bring people facing similar life challenges together to share their stories, advice, and support. Find others who know exactly what you're going through.

Monthly Meetings

Parkinson Support group will meet on the first Thursday of each month at 5:30 PM at Midland Hospice 200 SW Frazier Circle. If coming from the west on 6th street, turn left on Frazier which is the first street east of Gage and 6th. If coming from the east on 6th street, turn right on Frazier which is three streets west of Oakley. Meeting room is in first building. Turn right into the parking lot before you get to the building and go around to the back.

For questions about this notice, please call:

Jean Barton
(785) 478-9045


Rob Peppers
Work 272-6397


Go to contact us if you have any questions.

If weather is bad and we cancel, call Jean's number and she will leave a message only for cancellations on her answering machine.

Weekly PD Health @ Home

We have weekly PD Health @ Home programs at Each week we offer Mindfulness Mondays, Wellness Wednesdays (including a great series on Cognition challenges) and Fitness Fridays (with a great variety of free Parkinson’s-specific exercise videos).

SURVEY INFORMATION - Parkinson's Disease - knowledge of and attitude toward existing and emerging treatment options

My name is Paula Abola, and I am currently pursuing my PhD in Clinical Research at the University of Jamestown, focusing on Parkinson's Disease. As a project towards my PhD dissertation, I am conducting a study on the knowledge of and attitude toward existing and emerging pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments for Parkinson’s Disease across different geographical locations. I have received Institutional Review Board approval from the University of Jamestown.

The study involves a survey that will take approximately 10-15 minutes. The target audiences are: 1. Patients with Parkinson's Disease, 2. Practitioners who treat/care for patients with Parkinson's Disease. Would it be possible to distribute my survey to people with Parkinson's Disease and to practitioners (doctors, caregivers, therapists, nurses) who treat/take care of people with Parkinson's Disease? Here is the link to my survey:

If you are willing to help but distributing the survey via email is not possible, please reach out to me, and I will send you a poster that you can use to recruit participants for my study. I appreciate all your help!

Paula Abola, MSc
Remote Site Monitor - Clinical Research
Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.
PhD Candidate - Parkinson's Disease
University of Jamestown


One way you can keep in touch is to visit our Facebook page at:
If you have questions about Parkinson’s disease, the Michael J. Fox Foundation ( or the Parkinson's Foundation ( are a great resources.


Announcement from Kathy Schultz, Speech-Language Pathologist-- If you have Parkinson's and have been through an LSVT LOUD therapy or SPEAK OUT! (Parkinson Voice Project) speech/voice therapy with a speech language pathologist (SLP), we have a Zoom group that you might be interested in joining.

We meet on Tuesday mornings at 9:30-10:30 and work on exercises to promote continued carry-over of a stronger voice and promote slowed and clear speech while conversing with one another. To participate, you need to have completed the LSVT LOUD therapy or SPEAK OUT! (SO) speech/voice therapy with a speech language pathologist to address any specific needs you may have.

You do not need a physician's order to participate in the group, participation is voluntary, and we do not have any fees to participate. We do use the SPEAK OUT! lesson book which you would have gotten during your SPEAK OUT! therapy with an SLP. If you have been through the LSVT LOUD program, you can participate, but it will be much easier with the SO lesson book. If you have been diagnosed with Parkinson's and have not been through speech therapy, I would recommend asking your physician for an order for speech therapy and then to join our Zoom group when you have completed your speech therapy. Stormont Vail has SLPs who provide LSVT LOUD and the SPEAK OUT! therapies.

Contact Kathy Schultz, Speech-Language Pathologist, for more information or to participate in our Zoom group at or call 785-313-5175. Spouses are encouraged to participate and are always welcome!


Aug 1st

Agenda: The caregiver/Parkinsonian split --Those with Parkinson in one room and family members and caretakers in another. Goal is to be a positive experience to examine resources that are available to each group which has different needs. Even if you are by yourself either with Parkinson or as a caregiver, we hope this will still be beneficial and you are most welcomed.

Parkinson Support group will meet at 5:30 to 7:00 PM at Midland Hospice, 200 SW Frazier Circle